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Archive for the 'Persian Phrases' Category

Persian Word of the Day – snake (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!مار (maar) snake (noun)مار زنگی چنبره زده و آماده حمله است.maar-e zangi chanbare zade va aamaadeye hamle ast.The rattlesnake is coiled, and ready to strike.مار آبی در حال شنا نزدیک صخره مرجانی است.maar-e aabi dar haal-e shenaa nazdik-e sakhreye marjaani ast.The sea snake is swimming near the coral reef.مار سمیmaar-e sammipoisonous snakeمار در حال خزیدنmaar-e dar haal-e khazidanslithering snakeمار زنگی چنبره زدهmaar-e zangi-e chanbare zadecoiled rattlesnakeOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and... Show more

Persian Word of the Day – mustache (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!سبیل (Sibil) mustache (noun)آن مرد روی سبیلش غذا دارد.aan mard rooye sibilash qazaa daarad.The man has food on his moustache.آن مرد یک سبیل ضخیم دارد.aan mard yek sibil-e zakhim daarad.The man has a thick mustache.سبیل تمیزsibil-e tamizneat moustacheسبیل و ریشsibil va rishmustache and beardOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Persian Word of the Day – chicken (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!مرغ (Morq) chicken (noun)مرد دارد مرغ را می برد.Mard daarad morq raa miborad.The man is cutting chicken.مرغ یا ماهی؟Morq yaa maahi?Chicken or fish?من پوست مرغ را دوست ندارم.Man poost-e morq raa doost nadaaram.I don't like chicken skin.پای مرغPaaye morqchicken legسینه مرغSineye morqchicken breastمرغ برشته شدهMorq-e bereshte shoderoast chickenسوپ مرغSoop-e morqchicken soupمرغ سرخ شدهMorq-e sorkh shodefried chickenخوردن مرغKhordan-e morqeat chickenOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this... Show more

Persian Word of the Day – snow (verb)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!برف (barf) snow (verb)شب برف می بارد.shab barf mibaarad.Snow is falling at night.برف همه چیز را پوشانده است.barf hame chiz raa pooshaande ast.The snow has covered everything.در جنگل برف می بارد.dar jangal barf mibaarad.The snow is falling in the woods.روباه در برفroobaah dar barffox in the snowبارش برفbaaresh-e barffalling snowبرف بر روی زمینbarf bar rooye zaminsnow on the groundOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Persian Word of the Day – cough (verb)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!سرفه کردن (sorfe kardan) cough (verb)آن مرد سرفه می کند.aan mard sorfe mikonad.The man is coughing.او تمام شب را سرفه کرد.oo tamaam-e shab raa sorfe kard.She has been coughing all night.سرفه شدیدsorfe shadidsevere coughOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Persian Word of the Day – sleep (verb)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!خوابیدن (khaabidan) sleep (verb)نوزاد روی پتو خوابیده است.Nozaad bar rooye patoo khaabide ast.The baby is sleeping on the blanket.تو باید هر شب حداقل هشت ساعت بخوابی.To baayad har shab hadd-e aqal hasht saa'at bekhaabi.You should sleep at least eight hours every night.نوزادان خوابیده اند.Nozaadaan khaabide and.The babies are sleeping.دختر می خواهد بخوابد.Dokhtar mikhaahad bekhaabad.The girl is going to sleep.دختر دارد به خواب می رود.Dokhtar daarad be khaab miravad.The girl is about to sleep.نوزاد روی پتو می خوابد.Nozaad rooye patoo mikhaabad.The baby sleeps on the blanket.نوزاد روی پتو خوابید.Nozaad rooye patoo khaabid.The... Show more

Persian Word of the Day – pig (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!خوک (khook) pig (noun)مادر در حال مواظبت از خوکچه ها است.Maadar dar haale movazebat az khookchehaa ast.The mother is nursing the piglets.خوک ها حیوانات باهوشی هستند.Khook haa heyvaanaat e baahooshi hastand.Pigs are intelligent animals.مادر در حال نگهداری از خوک های جوان است.Maadar dar haale negahdaari az khook haaye javaan ast.The mother is nursing the young pigs.خوک در حال مواظبت از خوکچه ها است.Khook dar haal e movaazebat az khookchehaa ast.The pig is nursing the piglets.خوک ها دارند در آفتاب استراحت می کنند.Khook haa daarand dar aaftaab esteraahat mikonand.The pigs are resting in the sun.خوک صورتیKhook e sooratipink pigخوک... Show more

Persian Word of the Day – fish (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!ماهی (maahi) fish (noun)ماهی منبع غذایی مهمی برای مردم است.maahi manba' ghazaaee mohemmi baraaye mardom astFish is an important food source for people.مردم ژاپن خیلی ماهی می خورندmardom-e jaapon kheili maahi mikhorandJapanese people eat a lot of fish.غذای اصلی امشب ماهی کبابی است.ghazaaye asli-e emshab maahi kabaabi astTonight's main course is grilled fish.ماهی خامmaahi khaamraw fishOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Persian Word of the Day – soldier (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!سرباز (sarbaaz) soldier (noun)ده هزار سرباز را به جبهه جنگ اعزام شدند.dah hezaar sarbaaz be jebheye jang ezaam shodand.Ten thousand soldiers were dispatched to the site of the battle.سربازان در حال مستقر شدن است.sarbaazaan dar haale mostaghar shodan hastand.The soldiers are moving into position.سرباز ارتشsarbaaze artesharmy soldierمبارزه با سربازان آمادهmobaarezeh baa sarbaazaane aamaadehcombat ready soldiersOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Persian Word of the Day – scissors (noun)

Learn a little Persian everyday with the free Persian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!قیچی (qeychi) scissors (noun)از قیچی برای بریدن عکس ها استفاده کنید.az gheychi baraaye boridane aks-haa estefaadeh konid.Use scissors to cut out the pictures.آرایشگر موها را با قیچی می برد.aaraayeshgar moohaa raa baa qeychi miborad.The hair dresser is cutting the hair with scissors.قیچی تیزgheychi-e tizsharp scissorsیک جفت قیچیyek joft gheychipair of scissorsOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Persian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!