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New! Want to speak better Persian? Get voice analysis from your own Teacher!

Hello Listener, Every Persian learner wants to better at Persian and say everything they’d like to say...without mistakes. But how can you get to that level of Persian awesomeness? You need feedback from an actual Persian teacher. Someone to tell you... “here’s how you fix your accent” “don’t use that. This phrase sounds more natural” ...”here is how to fix your mistakes” And now you can get speech analysis from your own Persian teacher at PersianPod101! How? We just released a brand new tool called Premium PLUS My Teacher! New! Perfect Your Speaking with Premium PLUS My Teacher! Premium PLUS My Teacher, exclusively for Premium PLUS subscribers, gives you 1-on-1 access to a teacher. Just record your voice and send it... Show more

New Premium PLUS Feature! 1-on-1 Persian Learning with Your Own Teacher

Hello Listener, Imagine having your very own PersianPod101 teacher. They give you personal attention and fix any Persian problem you’ll ever have. They can... Correct your writing Be a source of constant Persian practice Give you insider tips on what words sound more natural in Persian Correct your Persian pronunciation (something most native speakers are too polite to do!) Point out your weaknesses Tell you how to best master Persian Access to your own Persian teacher was already available in our Premium PLUS subscription, but mostly via email interaction. Now, there’s a new Premium PLUS feature that gives you 1-on-1 instruction on the website or on the go via an App: Premium PLUS My Teacher (formerly titled Premium... Show more