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John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 15 - Renewing Your Passport in Iran. John Here.
Mehrnaz: سلام (salaam) I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn about question tags. The conversation takes place on the phone.
Mehrnaz: It's between Shadi and Ramin.
John: The speakers are friends, therefore, they will speak informal Persian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
رامین: شنيدم داری برای ادامه تحصيل ميری (می روی) آمریکا! تبریک میگم!
شادی: مرسی. ولی یه (یک) کم نگرانم. میترسم پروسه ویزا گرفتنم به مشکل بربخوره (بربخورد).
رامین: چرا آخه (آخر)؟
شادی: من بايد چند ماه پیش پاسپورتمو (پاسپورتم را) تمدید مي كردم. دير متوجه شدم که اعتبارش تموم شده (است). الان ممكنه (ممكن است) ويزای دانشجويیمو (دانشجوی ام را) از دست بدم (بدهم).
رامین: مشکلت دقیقاً چیه (چیست)؟
شادی: سفارت برای هفته دیگه (دیگر) وقت مصاحبه بهم داده (است) و من باید حداقل یه (یک) روز قبل از مصاحبه ارمنستان باشم! تازه دیروز پاسپورتمو (پاسپورتم را) بردم برای تمدید. تمدید اعتبارم (هم)‌ ممکنه (ممکن است)‌ یه (یک) هفته طول بکشه (بکشد).
رامین: مگه (مگر) نمیتونی (نمیتوانی) وقت مصاحبه اتو (مصاحبه ات را) عقب بندازی؟
شادی: چرا می تونم (می توانم). بايد به سفارت ايميل بزنم و سوال كنم.
رامین: من بودم هم ایمیل می زدم هم زنگ.
شادی: راست میگی (میگویی). باید زنگ بزنم. میدونی (میدانی) همش (همه اش) تقصیر خواهرمه (خواهرم است) که پاسپورت منو (من را) اشتباهی با مدارک خودش برده بود فرانسه.
رامین: اونم (او هم) حتماً دلیلی ندیده بود تاریخ اعتبارشو (اعتبارش را) چک کنه (کند).
شادی: دقیقاً!
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Ramin: I heard you're going to the States to further your studies. Congratulations!
Shadi: Thanks but I'm a bit worried. I'm afraid my process of getting the visa will face a problem.
Ramin: Why on earth?
Shadi: I should've renewed my passport a couple of months ago. It was too late when I noticed that it had expired. And now I might lose my student visa.
Ramin: What's the problem exactly?
Shadi: The embassy's given me an interview appointment for the next week, and I've got to be in Armenia at least one day before the interview. I just took my passport for the renew yesterday. It may take a week to renew it.
Ramin: Can't you push your interview appointment back?
Shadi: Yeah, I can. I've got to email the embassy and ask.
Ramin: I'd email and call as well.
Shadi: You're right! I should call. You know, it's all my sister's fault, she had taken my passport with her own documents to France by mistake.
Ramin: And she'd sure seen no reason to check its expiration date!
Shadi: Exactly!
John: Is it common that people want to leave Iran to study abroad?
Mehrnaz: It is. Iran is suffering greatly from a brain drain.
John: Why is that?
Mehrnaz: Mainly due to the poor job situation and the oppressive social conditions.
John: I saw a survey that said in 2006, Iran came top out of 90 countries for the number of people leaving due to brain drain.
Mehrnaz: That sounds right. People usually go to places like the US, Canada, Germany, and Australia.
John: Are there scholarships available for people to study abroad?
Mehrnaz: Yes, there are. People often apply for residency in their chosen countries too.
John: Is it easy to apply for the things you need to study abroad?
Mehrnaz: It can be difficult. Some countries don’t have good relationships with Iran and don’t have embassies there.
John: How would you apply for your visa in that case?
Mehrnaz: You might have to go to a neighboring country, such as Turkey, Armenia, or the UAE.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: ادامه تحصيل دادن [natural native speed]
John: "to further (one's) studies"
Mehrnaz: ادامه تحصيل دادن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: ادامه تحصيل دادن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: به مشکل برخوردن [natural native speed]
John: "to face a problem"
Mehrnaz: به مشکل برخوردن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: به مشکل برخوردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: میترسم [natural native speed]
John: "I'm afraid"
Mehrnaz: میترسم[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: میترسم [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: اعتبار (چیزی) تمام شدن [natural native speed]
John: "to expire"
Mehrnaz: اعتبار (چیزی) تمام شدن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: اعتبار (چیزی) تمام شدن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: وقت مصاحبه [natural native speed]
John: "interview appointment"
Mehrnaz: وقت مصاحبه[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: وقت مصاحبه [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: تمدید کردن [natural native speed]
John: "to extend"
Mehrnaz: تمدید کردن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: تمدید کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: عقب انداختن [natural native speed]
John: "to push back"
Mehrnaz: عقب انداختن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: عقب انداختن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: تقصیر [natural native speed]
John: "fault"
Mehrnaz: تقصیر[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: تقصیر [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: اشتباهی [natural native speed]
John: "by mistake"
Mehrnaz: اشتباهی[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: اشتباهی [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Mehrnaz: دلیلی ندیدن [natural native speed]
John: "to see no reason"
Mehrnaz: دلیلی ندیدن[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: دلیلی ندیدن [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: میترسم
John: meaning "I'm afraid."
John: This is a verb in Persian.
Mehrnaz: It is made up of می (mi), ترس (tars), the present stem of the verb ترسیدن (tasrsidan)
John: This means "to fear."
Mehrnaz: And then م (am),
John: This is the personal ending for the first person singular. It literally means "I fear."
Mehrnaz: It can be either literal or figurative.
John: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... میترسم مصاحبه امو (ام را) خراب کنم.
John: ...which means "I'm afraid I may screw up my interview."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Mehrnaz: دلیلی ندیدن
John: meaning "to see no reason."
John: This is a negated compound verb.
Mehrnaz: First is دلیل (dalil), meaning "reason," plus the indefinite article ی (i) and then ن (na)
John: This negates verbs in Persian. The last part is "to see."
Mehrnaz: That is دیدن (didan).
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... دلیلی نمی بینم که این قضیه رو (را) برات (برایت) توضیح (بدهم).
John: ... which means "I see no reason to explain this matter to you."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about question tags. We’ll begin by looking at rhetorical questions and short answers in Persian.
Mehrnaz: You can use the particle مگه / مگر for these.
John: It shows that the speaker has a presumption about what they are talking about. Let’s see some examples.
Mehrnaz: مگه خریدیش (مگر خردیش)؟ (mage kharidish (magar kharidiyash)?)
John: "Did you already buy it?" Or "You didn’t buy it, did you?" Here, the speaker assumes that the other person won’t have bought it.
Mehrnaz: You can reply with آره، خریدمش! aare kharidamesh!
John: "Yeah, I did!" Or literally, "Yeah, I bought it!"
Mehrnaz: You use the verb in the answer. A negative answer is نه، نخریدمش! (na nakharidamesh!)
John: "Nah, I didn’t!" Let’s do one more example.
Mehrnaz: مگه (مگر) نگفتی دیگه (دیگر) سیگار نمی کشم؟ (mage (magar) nagofti dige (digar) sigaar nemikesham?)
John: "Didn’t you say you wouldn’t smoke anymore?"
Mehrnaz: The word مگه (مگر), mage (magar) can be used in tag questions as well. For example, این لباس قشنگیه (قشنگی است)، مگه (مگر) نه؟ (in lebaas-e qashangiye (qashangi ast), mage (magar) na?)
John: "This is a pretty dress, isn’t it?" You can also use this word to mean "unless" or "otherwise."
Mehrnaz: Right, for example من در این مورد باهاش صحبت (با او) نمی‌کنم، مگر این که خودش بخواد (بخواهد). (man dar in mored baahaash (baa oo) sohbat nemikonam, magar inke khodesh bekhaad (bekhaahad).)
John: "I won’t talk about this with her (or him), unless he (or she) wants to." Now, we’ve covered the first and third conditionals, so it’s time to look at the second conditional.
Mehrnaz: You use this to talk about an imaginary situation.
John: In Persian, both the if-clause and main clause are in the past tense.
Mehrnaz: You can use this to say that you would do something if you were in someone else’s shoes.
John: Let’s have an example.
Mehrnaz: من اگه (اگر) جای تو بودم، با همچین آدمی ازدواج نمی‌کردم. man age (agar) jaa-ye to boodam, baa hamchin aadami ezdevaaj nemikardam.
John: "If I were you, I wouldn't marry such a person."
Mehrnaz: In Persian, you usually don’t drop the اگر من بودم (agar man boodam).
John: That means "if I were you." Let’s hear one last example.
Mehrnaz: اگه (اگر) پول دار بودم، کار نمی کردم. age (agar) pooldaar boodam, kaar nemikardam.
John: "If I were rich, I wouldn’t work."


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mehrnaz: خداحافظ (khodaahaafez)

