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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 19 - Being Earthquake-Ready in Iran. John Here.
Mehrnaz: سلام (salaam) I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn prepositions in Persian. The conversation takes place at home.
Mehrnaz: It's between Hassan, the father, and Shermine, the daughter.
John: The speakers are family members, therefore, they will speak informal Persian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
حسن: خب تعریف کن ببینم مدرسه چطور بود امروز؟
شرمینه: امروز مانور زلزله داشتیم.
حسن: چیا (چه چیزهایی) یاد گرفتی؟
شرمینه: اگه (اگر) موقع زلزله تو یه (در یک) ساختمون (ساختمان) یه (یک) طبقه و نزدیک در خروجی باشیم باید با آرامش از ساختمون (ساختمان) خارج بشیم (بشویم). اگر تو یه (در یک) ساختمون (ساختمان) بلند بودیم باید از پنجره‌ها و وسایلی مثل قفسه‌های بلند و کتابخونه (کتابخانه) فاصله بگیریم. بشینیم و سر و گردنمونو (گردنمان را) بین دستامون (دست‌هایمان را) قرار بدیم. تو (در) مدرسه یا خونه (خانه) می‌تونیم (می‌توانیم) بریم زیر میز یا تخت.
حسن: در مورد آسانسور چی (چه) بهتون (به شما) گفتن (گفتند)؟
شرمینه: مامور آتش‌نشانی گفت به هیچ وجه نباید سوار آسانسور بشیم (بشویم)....همممم.... بعد از زلزله نباید به ساختمونای (ساختمان های) آسیب دیده و تیرای (تیرهای) چراغ برق نزدیک بشیم (بشویم).
حسن: درسته (درست است). در ضمن نباید به سمت خروجی ساختمونا (ساختمان‌ها) هجوم آورد. اگر تو (در) راهرو یا حیاط مدرسه بودی چی (چه) کار می‌کنی؟
شرمینه: اگر تو (در) حیاط باشیم باید آرامش خودمونو (خودمان را) حفظ کنیم و از ساختمونای (ساختمان‌های) بلند اطراف مدرسه فاصله بگیریم. تو (در)‌ راهرو هم باید از چیزایی (چیزهایی)‌ که ممکنه (ممکن است) سقوط کنن (کنند) دور بشیم (بشویم). کنار یه (یک) دیوار بشینیم و با دست و بازوهامون (بازوهایمان) از سرمون (سرمان) محافظت کنیم.
حسن: چه جاهای دیگه‌ای (دیگری) برای پناه گرفتن مناسبن (مناسب هستند)؟
شرمینه: هممممم...چهارچوب در!
حسن: آفرین!
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Hassan: Well, tell me how was school today?
Shermine: Today we had an earthquake drill.
Hassan: What did you learn?
Shermine: If we are in a single-story building and close to the exit, we must exit the building, keeping calm. If we were in a tall building, we must move away from the windows, and stuff like tall shelves and bookcases. Sit and hide our head and neck between our arms. At school or home, we can go to a table or bed.
Hassan: What did they tell you about the elevators?
SHERMINE: The firefighter said we shouldn't take the elevators at all...hmmm...after the earthquake, we shouldn't go near the damaged buildings and light poles either.
Hassan: Right! By the way, you shouldn't swarm toward the building's exits. If you were in a corridor or schoolyard, what would you do?
Shermine: If we are in the yard, we should remain calm and move away from the tall buildings around the school. At the corridor, we should stay clear of the things that may fall, sit next to a wall, and protect our head with our hands and arms.
Hassan: What are other spots suitable to take shelter?
Shermine: Hmmm....doorways!
Hassan: You got it!
John: The conversation this time around was not only educational for learning Persian, but also for learning what to do in an earthquake.
Mehrnaz: It’s good knowledge to have, I think!
John: Especially in an earthquake-prone country like Iran.
Mehrnaz: Yes, and Iran’s building regulations are not strict enough, so there are always a high number of casualties if there’s an earthquake.
John: What is the deadliest earthquake that has hit Iran?
Mehrnaz: Well, the deadliest since 2000 hit in 2003, in Bam, Kerman Province.
John: That’s a pretty rural area of Iran, isn’t it?
Mehrnaz: Yes, most of the buildings are made of mud-bricks, and 26,000 people died.
John: Wow, that was horrible. Are there other natural disasters that hit Iran?
Mehrnaz: Yes, the south of Iran can be hit by heavy flooding.
John: Is that a problem during rainy season?
Mehrnaz: Yes. The ground is too hard to absorb the water.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: مانور زلزله [natural native speed]
John: "earthquake drill"
Mehrnaz: مانور زلزله [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: مانور زلزله [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: با آرامش [natural native speed]
John: "calmly"
Mehrnaz: با آرامش [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: با آرامش [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: قفسه [natural native speed]
John: "shelf"
Mehrnaz: قفسه [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: قفسه [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: فاصله گرفتن [natural native speed]
John: "to move away"
Mehrnaz: فاصله گرفتن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: فاصله گرفتن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: مامور آتش‌نشانی [natural native speed]
John: "firefighter"
Mehrnaz: مامور آتش‌نشانی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: مامور آتش‌نشانی [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: تیر چراغ برق [natural native speed]
John: "light pole"
Mehrnaz: تیر چراغ برق [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: تیر چراغ برق [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: هجوم آوردن [natural native speed]
John: "to swarm"
Mehrnaz: هجوم آوردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: هجوم آوردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: سقوط کردن [natural native speed]
John: "to fall"
Mehrnaz: سقوط کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: سقوط کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: محافظت کردن [natural native speed]
John: "to protect"
Mehrnaz: محافظت کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: محافظت کردن [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Mehrnaz: چهارچوب در [natural native speed]
John: "doorway"
Mehrnaz: چهارچوب در [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: چهارچوب در [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: هجوم آوردن
John: meaning "to swarm."
John: This is a verb phrase.
Mehrnaz: First is هجوم (hojoom), meaning "invasion, infestation," and then آوردن (aavardan).
John: This means "to bring."
Mehrnaz: Be careful with the pronunciation of آوردن (aavOrdan) when you’re speaking colloquial Persian.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... سربازان به طرف دروازه هجوم آوردند.
John: ...which means "Soldiers swarmed toward the gate."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Mehrnaz: چهارچوب در
John: meaning "doorway."
John: This is a phrase.
Mehrnaz: First is چهار (chaahaar), meaning "four," and then چوب (choob) with the ezaafeh.
John: That means "wood." The last part means "door."
Mehrnaz: Yes, that is در, (dar).
John: Even if doors aren’t made out of wood, the word for wood is still in there.
Mehrnaz: The phrase چهارچوب, (chaahaar-choob) on its own means "frame."
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... تو (در) چهارچوب در وایستاده (ایستاده) بود.
John: ... which means "He (or she) was standing in the doorway."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about prepositions in Persian. We’ve come across prepositions during this series, but let’s look at some in more detail.
Mehrnaz: Okay. We’ll start with از (az).
John: This means "of, from, since."
Mehrnaz: An example is کتابو (کتاب را)‌ ازم گرفت. (ketaab-o azam gerft.)
John: "He (or she) took the book from me."
Mehrnaz: Next is به (be).
John: "to"
Mehrnaz: به روستا رفتیم (رفتیم روستا).
John: "We went to the village."
Mehrnaz: Next is برای (baraaye)
John: "for"
Mehrnaz: برام (برای من) هدیه تولد خرید. (baraam (baraayam) hedye-ye tavallod kharid.)
John: "He (or she) bought a birthday present for me."
Mehrnaz: Next is زیر (zir-e)
John: "under, underneath"
Mehrnaz: زیر تختت رو (تختت را) بگرد.
John: "Search under your bed." The last one we’ll look at here is...
Mehrnaz: بعد از (ba’d az)
John: "after, afterwards"
Mehrnaz: بعد از کار میریم (می رویم) خرید. (ba’d az kaar mirim (miravim) kharid.)
John: "We go shopping after work." There are more particles and examples in the lesson notes. Some particles change in colloquial Persian.
Mehrnaz: Yes, they might change or be left out altogether.
John: For example...
Mehrnaz: از (az).
John: In English, it is usually translated to "of" or "from," but this isn’t always the case in idioms.
Mehrnaz: Word by word examples don’t always work. For example, ازدست من عصبانیه (عصبانی است). (az dast-e man asabaaniye (asabaani ast).)
John: "He(or she)’s mad at me!"


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mehrnaz: خداحافظ (khodaahaafez)

