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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 4 - Changing Your Flights in Iran. John Here.
Mehrnaz: سلام (salaam) I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn about useful expressions when booking, changing, or canceling a flight. The conversation takes place at a travel agency.
Mehrnaz: It's between Reza Milani and Shirin Minai.
John: The speakers are strangers, therefore, they will speak formal Persian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
شیرین مینایی: سلام، روزتون (تان) بخیر. در مورد شرایط کنسل کردن بلیط هواپیما سؤال داشتم.
رضا میلانی: سلام، روز شما هم بخیر. بفرمائید.
شیرین مینایی: من یه (یک) بلیط برای شیراز برای شنبه آینده خریدم. اما ممکنه (ممکن است) به خاطر کارم نتونم (نتوانم) به پرواز برسم. می‌خواستم شرایط کنسلی رو (کنسلی را) بدونم (بدانم).
رضا میلانی: جریمه کنسلی بستگی به کلاس پرواز و زمانی که پروازتون رو (پروازتان را) کنسل می‌کنین (می‌کنید) داره (دارد).
شیرین مینایی: کلاس پروازم اکونومیه (اکونومی است). مثلاً اگر شنبه من نتونم (نتوانم) به پروازم برسم چقدر از هزینه بلیط رو (بلیط را) بهم برمیگردونین (به من برمیگردانید)؟
رضا میلانی: طبق این جدول، برای کنسلی تا ۱۲ ظهر یه (یک) روز قبل از پرواز ٪۱۰، تا سه ساعت قبل پرواز ٪۳۰، از سه ساعت قبل پرواز به بعد ٪۵۰ جریمه می‌شین (می‌شوید).
شیرین مینایی: می‌تونم (می‌توانم) بلیطم رو (بلیطم را) آنلاین کنسل کنم؟
رضا میلانی: بله می‌تونین (می‌توانید) ولی بهتره (بهتر است) با آژانس تماس بگیرین (بگیرید).
شیرین مینایی: بعد از کسر جریمه کنسلی، مبلغ باقیمونده رو (باقیمانده را) چه طور برمی‌گردونین (برمی‌گردانید)؟
رضا میلانی: به حسابتون (حسابتان) واریز می‌کنیم. البته باید براش (برایش) درخواست بدین (بدهید).
شیرین مینایی: این پروسه برگردوندن (برگرداندن) پول معمولاً چقدر طول می‌کشه (می‌کشد)؟
رضا میلانی: بین سه تا ده روز کاری.
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation:
Shirin Minai: Hello, good day. I had a question about the conditions for the cancellation of plane tickets.
Reza Milani: Hello, good day to you too. Please go ahead.
Shirin Minai: I've bought a ticket for Shiraz for next Saturday. Though I might not make it to the flight. I wanted to know about cancellation conditions.
Reza Milani: Cancellation charges depend on your flight class and when you cancel your flight.
Shirin Minai: I fly economy. For instance, if I couldn't make it to my flight, how much of the ticket fee would you return to me?
Reza Milani: According to this table, you will be charged 10% for canceling the flight before noon of the day before the flight, 30% from then until three hours before the flight, and 50% from three hours before the flight and afterward.
Shirin Minai: Can I cancel my ticket online?
Reza Milani: Yes, you can, but you'd better contact us.
Shirin Minai: After deducting the cancellation fee, how do you return the remaining amount?
Reza Milani: We will deposit it to your bank account. However, you should make a request for it.
Shirin Minai: How long does this process of returning the money usually take?
Reza Milani: Between three and ten business days.
John: The rules for canceling a plane ticket seem pretty straightforward.
Mehrnaz: Yes, the travel agency staff explained it pretty clearly, I think.
John: Is it easy to use a travel agency in Iran if you don’t speak fluent Persian?
Mehrnaz: Yeah, domestic travel agencies welcome foreign tourists.
John: Do the staff speak languages other than Persian?
Mehrnaz: You can usually find people that speak a variety of European and Asian languages.
John: How easy is it to make a payment?
Mehrnaz: You should check to see if you can use a credit card.
John: Right, credit cards aren’t as common in Iran, are they?
Mehrnaz: No, they aren’t. And due to sanctions, some money transfers may face difficulties too.
John: So you should definitely check. What is the Persian phrase for "travel agency?"
Mehrnaz: آژانس مسافرتی
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: کنسل کردن [natural native speed]
John: cancellation
Mehrnaz: کنسل کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: کنسل کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: جریمه کنسلی [natural native speed]
John: cancellation charge
Mehrnaz: جریمه کنسلی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: جریمه کنسلی [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: آژانس [natural native speed]
John: agency
Mehrnaz: آژانس [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: آژانس [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: رسیدن [natural native speed]
John: to make it (to)
Mehrnaz: رسیدن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: رسیدن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: جدول [natural native speed]
John: table
Mehrnaz: جدول [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: جدول [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: کسر [natural native speed]
John: deduction
Mehrnaz: کسر [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: کسر [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: بهتره (بهتر است) [natural native speed]
John: had better
Mehrnaz: بهتره (بهتر است) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: بهتره (بهتر است) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: مبلغ [natural native speed]
John: amount
Mehrnaz: مبلغ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: مبلغ [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: حساب بانکی [natural native speed]
John: bank account
Mehrnaz: حساب بانکی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: حساب بانکی [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Mehrnaz: روز کاری [natural native speed]
John: working day
Mehrnaz: روز کاری [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: روز کاری [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: مبلغ باقیمانده
John: meaning "remaining amount."
John: This is a phrase.
Mehrnaz: The first word is مبلغ with an e sound, and it means "amount." Second is باقیمانده .
John: This means "remnant," or "remaining"
Mehrnaz: In colloquial Persian, باقیمانده becomes باقیمونده.
John: But it doesn’t change in things like math class.
Mehrnaz: That’s right.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... مبلغ باقیمونده (باقی مانده) اینجا نوشته شده (است).
John: ...which means "The remaining amount is written here."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Mehrnaz: روز کاری
John: meaning "working day, business day."
John: This is also a phrase.
Mehrnaz: First is روز , plus e, meaning "day." Then is کار .
John: This means "work," "job," or "business." This is then followed by a suffix,
Mehrnaz: Yes, ی.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... امروز روز کاری نیست.
John: ... which means "Today is not a business day."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about useful expressions when booking, changing, or canceling a flight. Let’s start by looking at some words that you might see at the airport. Now, a lot of these words will be displayed in English too, but it’s good to know the Persian.
Mehrnaz: An important word is ترمینال. For example, ترمینال دو کجاست؟.
John: That word means "terminal." The sentence meant "Where is terminal 2?" How do we say "excess baggage?"
Mehrnaz: اضافه بار. A sentence example is برای هر کیلو اضافه بار باید سی دلار پرداخت کنید.
John: "You must pay 30 dollars per kilo of excessive baggage." And how about "boarding card?"
Mehrnaz: کارت پرواز. کارت پروازتو (پروازت را) گرفتی؟
John: "Did you get your boarding card?" Now, let’s move onto booking tickets.
Mehrnaz: Usually you can change the language on the websites to English, but doing it in Persian is a good way to practice.
John: Yes, it is! Let’s check some sentences.
Mehrnaz: اگر سفر شما به صورت رفت و برگشت است گزینه " رفت و برگشت " و در غیر این صورت گزینه " یک طرفه " را انتخاب کنید.
John: "If your flight is a round-trip, choose the "round-trip" option; otherwise, choose the "one-way" option."
Mehrnaz: تعداد مسافران اعم از بزرگسال ، کودک (زیر۱۲ سال) و نوزاد (زیر ۲ سال) را انتخاب کنید.
John: "Choose the number of passengers including adults, children (under 12), and infants (under 2)."
Mehrnaz: A couple of words that might be useful include صندلی
John: "seat"
Mehrnaz: تاریخ
John: "date"
Mehrnaz: and خط هوایی
John: "airline." Now, let’s look at some words for types of transport. We’ll start with "bus terminal."
Mehrnaz: ترمینال اتوبوس
John: "railway station"
Mehrnaz: ایستگاه راه آهن
John: "port," or "habor"
Mehrnaz: بندر
John: "boat"
Mehrnaz: قایق
John: "ship"
Mehrnaz: کشتی
John: And finally,
Mehrnaz: قطار
John: "train."
John: There are more example words and sentences in the lesson notes, so make sure to check them out!


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mehrnaz: خدا حافظ (khodahafez)

