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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 9 - A Persian Customer Service Request. John Here.
Mehrnaz: سلام (salaam) I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn useful phrases for making a polite request. The conversation takes place on the phone. It’s a call to a shipping company.
Mehrnaz: It's between Reza Milani and Bita Amini.
John: The speakers are strangers, therefore, they will speak formal Persian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
بیتا امینی: گیتی بار. بفرمایید.
رضا میلانی: سلام. روز بخیر. می‌تونم (می‌توانم) با آقای صادقی صحبت کنم؟
بیتا امینی: کدوم (کدام) بخش؟ چون ما دو تا آقای صادقی داریم!
رضا میلانی: بخش خدمات مشتریان.
بیتا امینی: بله. یه (یک) لحظه لطفاً... خطشون مشغوله (مشغول است).
رضا میلانی: ممنون می‌شم (می‌شوم) اگه (اگر) پیغاممو (پیغامم را) به ایشون (ایشان) برسونین (برسانید). من هفته قبل برای جابجایی اجناس یه (یک) فروشگاه لوازم خونگی (خانگی) درخواست دادم.
بیتا امینی: کد رهگیری سفارش تونو (تان را) می‌فرمایید لطفاً؟
رضا میلانی: ۳۴۲۲۷۸
بیتا امینی: ممنون .... آقای میلانی؟
رضا میلانی: بله. شرکت ما از مشتریای (مشتریان) قدیمی شماست (شما است).. بهمون (بهمان) یه (یک) کد تخفیف داده بودین (بودید) که من موقع ثبت سفارش فراموش کردم واردش کنم. می‌خواستم اگه (اگر) می‌شه (می‌شود) اون تخفیف رو (تخفیف را)‌ لحاظ کنین (کنید)‌ و برامون یه (یک) صورت حساب جدید بفرستین (بفرستید).
بیتا امینی: بله. پیغامتون رو (پیغامتان را) یادداشت کردم و به دست آقای صادقی می‌رسونم (می‌رسانم). قبل از ارسال صورت حساب حتماً با شما تماس می‌گیریم.
رضا میلانی: خیلی ممنونم. روز خوبی داشته باشین
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation:
Bita Amini: Giti Bar. How may I help you?
Reza Milani: Hello. Good day. May I talk to Mr. Sadeghi?
Bita Amini: Which department? Because we have two Mr. Sadeghi’s!
Reza Milani: Customer service department.
Bita Amini: Yes. A moment please... his line is busy.
Reza Milani: I'd appreciate it if you would pass on my message to him. Last week, I made a request for moving the goods of a home appliance store.
Bita Amini: May I have your order's tracking number?
Reza Milani: 342278
Bita Amini: Thank you ... Mr. Milani?
Reza Milani: Yes. Our company is one of your old customers. You've given us a discount code which I forgot to enter when I registered the order. I'd like you to consider the discount and send in a new invoice, if possible.
Bita Amini: Yes. I've taken down your message and will hand it over to Mr. Sadeghi. We'll make sure to contact you before submitting the invoice.
Reza Milani: Thank you. Have a good day.
John: The conversation we heard this time was in a customer service setting.
Mehrnaz: Yes, Reza called a company about a customer discount that should be applied.
John: The customer service given was of a pretty high quality, I think.
Mehrnaz: I agree, I think Bita did a good job.
John: Is customer service usually good in Iran?
Mehrnaz: Unfortunately, no. Most Iranian companies are not at the standard you’d expect and don’t match the rest of the world.
John: That’s not good. Are things improving, at least?
Mehrnaz: Thanks to globalization and interactions with foreign companies, some companies are changing their ways.
John: How are they doing so?
Mehrnaz: Well, it’s all starting at the beginning, as students are being taught how to treat customers. A popular country to emulate is Japan.
John: Japan is will known for having good customer service thanks to the concept of "kaizen."
Mehrnaz: Yes, that means "continuous improvement."
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: مشغول [natural native speed]
John: busy
Mehrnaz: مشغول [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: مشغول [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: ممنون میشم [natural native speed]
John: I'd appreciate
Mehrnaz: ممنون میشم [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: ممنون میشم [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: رساندن [natural native speed]
John: to pass on
Mehrnaz: رساندن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: رساندن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: جابجایی [natural native speed]
John: moving
Mehrnaz: جابجایی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: جابجایی [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: لوازم خانگی [natural native speed]
John: home appliances
Mehrnaz: لوازم خانگی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: لوازم خانگی [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: کد رهگیری [natural native speed]
John: tracking number
Mehrnaz: کد رهگیری [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: کد رهگیری [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: وارد کردن [natural native speed]
John: to enter
Mehrnaz: وارد کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: وارد کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: لحاظ کردن [natural native speed]
John: to consider
Mehrnaz: لحاظ کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: لحاظ کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: ارسال کردن [natural native speed]
John: to submit
Mehrnaz: ارسال کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: ارسال کردن [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Mehrnaz: یادداشت کردن [natural native speed]
John: to write down
Mehrnaz: یادداشت کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: یادداشت کردن [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: لوازم خانگی
John: meaning "home appliances."
John: This is a phrase.
Mehrnaz: It’s made up of لوازم, meaning "appliances" with the added e, and also خانه.
John: That means "home," or "house."
Mehrnaz: And we add the suffix گی to خانه.
John: What does that suffix do?
Mehrnaz: It shows the relationship, in this case that the appliances belong to the house.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... تو محله مون (مان)‌ فروشگاه لوازم خونگی (خانگی)‌ بزرگ نداریم.
John: ...which means "We don't have a large home appliances store in our neighborhood."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Mehrnaz: کد رهگیری
John: meaning "tracking number."
John: This is also a phrase.
Mehrnaz: Yes, it is. First is کد, meaning "code," and then رهگیری.
John: This means "tracking or guiding."
Mehrnaz: ره is the old and poetic form of راه.
John: This means "way."
Mehrnaz: And the second part of the word is derived from the present stem of گرفتن,.
John: "To get," or "to obtain." Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say... کد رهگیریمو (رهگیری ام را) فراموش کردم.
John: ... which means "I've forgotten my tracking number."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn useful phrases for making a polite request. When you make a polite request, you have to show how thankful you are that someone would do it for you.
Mehrnaz: That’s right. The most common words you’ll hear in Iran are مرسی.
John: "Thanks."
Mehrnaz: and ممنون.
John: "Thank you." Let’s hear some expressions we can use to show our thanks when making a request.
Mehrnaz: ممنون میشم (می شوم) اگه (اگر)...
John: "I’d appreciate it if…"
Mehrnaz: واقعا ممنون میشم (می شوم) اگه (اگر)....
John: "I’d really appreciate it if…"
Mehrnaz: This next one is good in writing. سپاسگزار خواهم بود اگر...
John: "I’d appreciate it if…" or "I’d be grateful if…"
Mehrnaz: بسیار سپاسگزار خواهم بود اگر....
John: "I’d be very grateful if…"
Mehrnaz: Also, when you’re requesting something, you can use a term of endearment to start your request.
John: Don’t overuse this, and only use them with people you are close to. Let’s hear some.
Mehrnaz: عزیزم
John: "my dear."
Mehrnaz: عشقم
John: "my love."
Mehrnaz: عسلم
John: "honey"
Mehrnaz: خوشگلم
John: "my pretty." Let’s finish this lesson by hearing an example with a term of endearment.
Mehrnaz: عزیزم لطفاً جورابات رو (جوراب‌هایت را) عوض کن!
John: "Baby, please change your socks!"


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mehrnaz: خداحافظ (khodaahaafez)

