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Lesson Transcript

John: Must-Know Persian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 16 - Going on a Trip.
John: Hi everyone, I'm John.
Mehrnaz: And I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Persian about being at the airport, waiting for a flight. شبنم (Shabnam) waits at the airport for her flight, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Mehrnaz: سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: Meaning - "The trip that we were impatiently looking forward to." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
شبنم: سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
(clicking sound)
بهار: خوش بگذره (بگذرد)! (khosh begzareh (begozarad)!)
محمد: سفر خوبی داشته باشید! (Safar-e khoobi daashteh baashid.)
سینا: میگن (می‌ گویند) اون طرفا (آن‌ طرفها) طوفان زیاد میاد (می‌ آید)! (Migan (migooyand) oon tarafaa (aan taraf haa) toofaan ziyaad miyaad (mi aayad)!)
رضا: سوغاتی من یادتون نره (یادتان نرود)! (soghaati-ye man yaadetoon narreh (yaadetaan naravad).)
John: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
شبنم: سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: "The trip that we were impatiently looking forward to."
(clicking sound)
بهار: خوش بگذره (بگذرد)! (khosh begzareh (begozarad)!)
John: "Have fun!"
محمد: سفر خوبی داشته باشید! (Safar-e khoobi daashteh baashid.)
John: "Have a nice trip!"
سینا: میگن (می‌ گویند) اون طرفا (آن‌ طرفها) طوفان زیاد میاد (می‌ آید)! (Migan (migooyand) oon tarafaa (aan taraf haa) toofaan ziyaad miyaad (mi aayad)!)
John: "They say it's often stormy over there!"
رضا: سوغاتی من یادتون نره (یادتان نرود)! (soghaati-ye man yaadetoon narreh (yaadetaan naravad).)
John: "Don't forget my souvenir!"
John: Listen again to شبنم (Shabnam)'s post.
Mehrnaz: سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: "The trip that we were impatiently looking forward to."
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.) (Regular) سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "The trip that."
Mehrnaz: سفری که (safari keh)
John: First is a word meaning "a trip." The word consists of...
Mehrnaz: سفر,(safar),
John: " trip" plus…
Mehrnaz: ی, (y)
John: a long "i" sound as in “seed.” The article "a" in Persian is shown by adding...
Mehrnaz: ی, (ye)
John: to the end of a noun. For example…
Mehrnaz: مردی (mardi)
John: "a man"
Mehrnaz: کتابی, (ketaabi)
John: "a book"
Mehrnaz: کفشی , (kafshi)
John: “a shoe." Listen again- "The trip that" is...
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) سفری که (safari keh) (REGULAR) سفری که (safari keh)
John: Then comes the phrase - "We were waiting for it impatiently."
Mehrnaz: بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم (bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: The phrase consists of "without"
Mehrnaz: بی, (bi)
John: plus "patience"
Mehrnaz: صبر , (sabr)
John: plus a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives
Mehrnaz: انه, (aaneh)
John: plus "waiting for," "expecting"
Mehrnaz: منتظر ,(montazer)
John: plus the pronoun "it"
Mehrnaz: ش, (ash)
John: And finally, "we were."
Mehrnaz: بودیم, (boodim)
John: Listen again- "We were waiting for it impatiently / We were waiting impatiently for it" is...
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم (bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.) (REGULAR) بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم (bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: All together, "The trip that we were impatiently looking forward to."
Mehrnaz: سفری که بی صبرانه منتظرش بودیم. (safari keh bi sabraaneh montazeresh boodim.)
John: In response, شبنم (Shabnam)'s friends leave some comments.
John: Her neighbor, بهار (Bahaar), uses an expression meaning - "Have fun!"
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) خوش بگذره (بگذرد)! (khosh begzareh (begozarad)!)
(REGULAR) خوش بگذره (بگذرد)! (khosh begzareh (begozarad)!)
Mehrnaz: خوش بگذره (بگذرد)! (khosh begzareh (begozarad)!)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling warmhearted.
John: Her supervisor, محمد (Mohammad), uses an expression meaning - "Have a nice trip!"
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) سفر خوبی داشته باشید! (Safar-e khoobi daashteh baashid.)
(REGULAR) سفر خوبی داشته باشید! (Safar-e khoobi daashteh baashid.)
Mehrnaz: سفر خوبی داشته باشید! (Safar-e khoobi daashteh baashid.)
John: Use this expression to be old-fashioned.
John: Her nephew, سینا (Sinaa), uses an expression meaning - "They say it's often stormy over there!"
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) میگن (می‌ گویند) اون طرفا (آن‌ طرفها) طوفان زیاد میاد (می‌ آید)! (Migan (migooyand) oon tarafaa (aan taraf haa) toofaan ziyaad miyaad (mi aayad)!)
(REGULAR) میگن (می‌ گویند) اون طرفا (آن‌ طرفها) طوفان زیاد میاد (می‌ آید)! (Migan (migooyand) oon tarafaa (aan taraf haa) toofaan ziyaad miyaad (mi aayad)!)
Mehrnaz: میگن (می‌ گویند) اون طرفا (آن‌ طرفها) طوفان زیاد میاد (می‌ آید)! (Migan (migooyand) oon tarafaa (aan taraf haa) toofaan ziyaad miyaad (mi aayad)!)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling cynical.
John: Her college friend, رضا (Rezaa), uses an expression meaning - "Don't forget my souvenir!"
Mehrnaz: (SLOW) سوغاتی من یادتون نره (یادتان نرود)! (soghaati-ye man yaadetoon narreh (yaadetaan naravad).) (REGULAR) سوغاتی من یادتون نره (یادتان نرود)! (soghaati-ye man yaadetoon narreh (yaadetaan naravad).)
Mehrnaz: سوغاتی من یادتون نره (یادتان نرود)! (soghaati-ye man yaadetoon narreh (yaadetaan naravad).)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling frivolous.


John: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being at the airport, waiting for a flight, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Mehrnaz: خداحافظ

