
Vocabulary (Review)

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In this lesson, we’ll continue to learn more phrases that will help you with basic etiquette. Iranian people are very hospitable. They use phrases of gratitude quite often. Even though you may not get the chance to use Khosh aamadid, which is the phrase for “You're welcome” during your trip to Iran, there’s a very good chance you'll hear it. So let’s have a closer look at it!
In Persian, “You’re welcome” is
Khosh aamadid.
Let's break it down:
(slow) Khosh aa-ma-did.
Once more:
Khosh aamadid.
Literally this means “You are welcomed.”
The word Khosh means “well; good.”
(slow) Khosh
Amadid means “you have come.”
(slow) Amadid
Altogether, we have
(slow) Khosh aa-ma-did.
Khosh aamadid.
It means "good that you have come" or “you are welcome”.
You can also respond to someone who has thanked you by using Khahesh mikonam. This means “please”, but here has the nuance of “Don’t mention it." Literally, it means "I request you not to mention it".
Khahesh mikonam.
Let's break it down:
(slow) Kha-hesh mi-ko-nam.
Once more:
Khahesh mikonam.
The first word, Khahesh, means “request.”
(slow) kha-hesh
The second word, mikonam, means “I do.”
All together, that’s
(slow) Kha-hesh mi-ko-nam.
Khahesh mikonam.
You might sometimes hear Ghaabel nadaarad, which means “It’s nothing.”
Ghaabel nadaarad.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Ghaa-be-l na-daa-rad.
Once more:
Ghaabel nadaarad.
This phrase starts with the word ghaabel, which means “value.”
(slow) Ghaabel
Next we have nadaarad, meaning “does not have.”
(slow) Na-daa-rad
Again, the whole phrase is
(slow) Ghaa-bel na-daa-rad.
Ghaabel nadaarad.
Ghaabeli nadaareh is the casual form of the phrase Ghaalbel nadaarad.
Slow - Ghaabeli nadaareh
Once more - Ghaabeli nadaareh
Retaking from ‘you can emphasize’
You can emphasize ghaabeli nadaareh by adding Hich, which means literally “nothing.”
(slow) Hich
Khosh aamadid means “You’re welcome.”
Khaahesh mikonam means “No problem.”
Ghabel nadaarad means “It's nothing” or “Not at all.” in a more formal way
The more casual form of that is Ghaabeli nadaareh
Of the expressions we have seen, please keep in mind that you can use Khaahesh mikonam and Khosh aamadid in any situation, formal or informal, while Ghabel nadaarad tends to be used on more informal occasions. And an even more casual form is Ghaabeli nadaareh

