
Vocabulary (Review)

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In this lesson we’ll introduce a phrase that will surely come in handy for capturing your memories on film or memory card. Iran has many beautiful locations, so you’ll want to take lots of pictures of landscapes and monuments. And sometimes you’ll want to be in the picture or include everyone in your party. For those times, the question “Can you take our or my picture?” will be invaluable!
In Persian, “Can you take our picture?” is
Mitoonid az ma aks begirid?
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Mi – too – nid az ma aks be – gi - rid?
Once more:
Mitoonid az ma aks begirid?
The first word, mitoonid, means “can you.”
(slow) mitoonid
The next word, az, means “from” followed by ma which means “we, us”.
(slow) az ma
Az ma
The next word, aks, means “photo” in Persian. (slowa) aks
And the last word, begirid, means “take".
(slowa) begirid
All together, that’s
(slow) Mitoonid az ma aks begirid?
Mitoonid az ma aks begirid?
If you just want to ask someone to take a picture—not of anything in particular—that question is
Mishe yek aks begirid?
(slow) Mi – she yek aks be – gi - rid?
Mishe yek aks begirid?
“Can you take a picture?”
If you are on your own and you want to ask someone to take your picture, you’ll ask
Yek aks az man migirid?
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Yek aks az man mi – gi - rid?
Again at natural speed:
Yek aks az man migirid?
Az man means “from me.”
(slow) az man
Az man
Yek aks az man migirid?
If the person you’re asking is younger than you and there’s no need to be polite, here’s how you’d ask to have your picture taken:
Yek aks az man migiri?
(slow) Yek aks az man mi – gi - ri?
Yek aks az man migiri?
Just change migirid to migiri.
(slow) migiri
(slow) Yek aks az man mi – gi - ri?
Yek aks az man mi – gi - ri?
And if you want to ask a young person to take a picture of your whole group.
Yek aks az ma migiri?
(slow) Yek aks az ma mi – gi - ri?
Yek aks az ma migiri?
Just change man to ma, that is “me” to “us”.
(slow) ma

